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Carline prayed about 7 years agoGod please provide healing, love, and mercy to all those in need of your sanctity and salvation this day. May the heavens be flowing with joyousness for all God's children that the agonies of sin and the ways of the evil one are thwarted in delivering your way unto your children. May Christ Jesus give unto those that call upon his name and repent from their ways a peace and understanding that surpasses all of this world's wickedness and destruction. I ask and pray that you, only you Yeshua come upon the world and make ready your people in God's favor for you are the messiah and can redeem all in God's glorious way. Please God, please do so this day. AmenPost is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.
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Linda commented on this post about 7 years agoWe need serious prayers for deliverance from the evil one and the evil presences in our home and throughout our spirits. We have been sought after and had many reconciliations with evil spirits living throughout our persons, whether or not we have prayed diligently for God's love and grace to befall upon our lives through Jesus Christ. We have been plagued by lies deceptions, and deceitfulness via the spirit of unforgiveness and I am suffering emmensly as a result such evils persisting in and against our family. I am becoming callus and unkind towards these persons carrying such wickedness and the fruitfulness of my own soul has been found quickened in approaching such adversaries with truth that often denies the person favor from Christ Jesus along with my self.
We have been in financial discourse unlike ever before as well as such tretcheries of sinfulness that though is not of the body demeans and diminishes our rightfulness of mind.
We truly need prayers for my bride, our children, our families, and my self that Christ Jesus come into our hearts fully and engulfs our souls with his holy spirit that we may reside in the grace and mercy of Almighty God.
Please, by God's grace let salvation come unto our lives that we may reside in the holy places and our home be granted such love and compassion in God's favor as we go forward in each day furthermore.Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.
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