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  •   Eric commented on this post about 6 years ago
    My son has been missing since September. He is only 19. He has not checked his social media since late sept. Even for his girlfriend. I blame myself so much for failing him. I have contacted all his friends we are united in prayer and concern. This is so much not like him, i feel like i have a rock in my stomache when i think about it, which is about 48 hours a day. I filed a missing persons report, the detective in charge is a father as well. I thank God for all he has done to get my mind clear, now I just pray for my son to be found. Thank you for all so much for your prayers, I credit them for my sobriety. God has mercifully answered them in the most remarkable of ways, i pray this petition would be the same. Please, thank you and God bless You! He was last seen in Plano, tx.
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  •   Eric commented on this post about 6 years ago
    Please continue to pray for my son's safety.
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  •   Sharonda prayed about 7 years ago
    I pray for strength as I set out to pick up the pieces of a broken life. I have decided, God willing to try fixing what I am able to. Begining tomorrow I will try to move forward. With God in my sight every moment.
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  • Julian is now friends with Linda
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  •   Linda commented on this post about 7 years ago
    My life is destroyed, I feel no hope, I have no friends.I don't know where to turn or how to turn, please and thank you.
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  •   Linda commented on this post about 7 years ago
    Help me return to the basics, seeking God sincerely, honestly, above all other things. Let my soul be healed, rebuilt from scratch. Let me find fellowship to strengthen me.
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