•   Linda commented on this post about 7 years ago
    I am requesting prayer from any and all prayer warriors! I have been in a relationship with a woman for over 3 years. She would like for us to be married. Although I love her tremendously I am afraid of taking that final step. Every time we get closer and closer to that point I do something to jeopardize our relationship. Seven months ago I attempted to cheat on her, thankfully the Lord intervened and stopped it before it became sexual. A month ago I finally got around to getting her an engagement ring and now another woman has shown interest and I fear what I may do. I have told the other woman that we can only be friends, but even that distresses my fiancee greatly. Please pray for me that Satan will release his stronghold on me, so I will not hurt my fiancée anymore and do what I promised the Lord (and her) that I would do if given the chance and that is....marry her! Please pray also for my fiancee (Dinah) that the Lord gives her tolerance, endurance, patience, perseverance to continue to put up with me. She has been to Hell and back with me and deserves better from me than what I've been giving. Thanks in advance for your prayers and God bless you! Mark
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