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  •   DailyBread commented on this post about 2 years ago
    Hello brethren, please join me in prayers for my wife, she is not been healthy since 2021 after she gave birth to our first baby after 19 years of waiting. She is having pains on her head and waist. Her name is Joy.
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  •   DailyBread prayed about 2 years ago
    Please pray for Johnny who is facing major health problems. He needs help emotionally and physically.
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  •   DailyBread prayed about 2 years ago
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  •   DailyBread prayed about 2 years ago
    Please pray for me that I will pass my finals Monday and Tuesday. I'm a respiratory therapy student and I've worked so hard. If I don't pass finals, I don't move on in the program. This program and becoming a respiratory therapist means the world to me. God has shown me many times that this is right where I belong, but the attacks and distractions from the enemy are heavy and frequent. Please pray for my protection, my knowledge, my memory and recall. Thank you!
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  •   Joseph Wojtas prayed about 3 years ago
    Please pray for Mary Ann who might have cancer and for peace of mind for her. Thank you, I appreciate it!
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  •   DailyBread prayed about 3 years ago
    Please pray for my children and ex-wife
    They are positive for covid 19
    My daughter has a cough and son a slight fever
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  •   DailyBread prayed about 3 years ago
    Hello, I would like some prayer please. I ended a toxic relationship 5 months ago because the guy did and said some things to hurt and disrespect me. I never felt angry, just really, really hurt. I've since forgiven him and I realized that he has some issues from his past to work through. I'm writing because despite everything I'm still in love with him. Nothing at all has changed and it drives me crazy because after being hurt like that I thought my feelings would change but they're still the same. I often ask God to remove the feelings from me but they're still there. I'm also still hurting from what happened. I do things to distract myself but it only helps temporarily. I don't want to take this in to the new year. I'm also really concerned because I don't want to have these feelings for him in the event that he moves on. I wake up everyday and I deal with the motions and it's overwhelming. Sometimes I feel a literal heaviness in my chest which exhausts me. I'm not sure how much more I can take. Please pray that God will Remove the feelings.
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  •   DailyBread prayed about 3 years ago
    hi friends, my boyfriend of two years is Catholic but he has lapsed into thinking that God doesn’t value him or love him and he thinks that God just isn’t for him. he needs more love in his life. please pray that he will come to The Lord once again and find the ability to be content and joyous in his life. thank you, and have a blessed day ❤️
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  •   DailyBread prayed about 3 years ago
    Pray that if it is God's will, and only if it is that Monday I will not have to work 12 hours instead of 8 hours. Either because I will not be needed, or someone will work for me. The extra work is hard on me physically.
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  •   DailyBread prayed about 3 years ago
    very happy to be here, thanks
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  •   dwight hooper prayed about 4 years ago
    it's my kind request to pray for an old man named mahammad iqbal ibn aahmed he got liver cancer and his condition is getting worst he has not eated for a whole month and he is too weak . he is 84 and unble to take chemo therapy he has no issue and he is the only support to his old aged wife plz pray for him 🙏 ‏ — feeling sad
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  • DailyBread is now following fatima
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  •   DailyBread prayed about 4 years ago
    What the enemy meant for evil God will turn to good. Time to get on our knees and take back.
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  •   DailyBread prayed about 4 years ago
    John 14:27 Peace ,not as the world gives but the peace Jesus gives. Let it be yours today
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  •   fatima prayed about 4 years ago
    Joshua 24:15 There is a choice. Make the right one, This day I Choose the Lord.
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